What Does the Term â€å“seedingã¢â‚¬â Mean in Relation to a Viral Marketing Campaign?
(word root) not, fromDriveling, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
1. accusative
ii. Games ace
3. across
4. adenine
5. alto
6. ampere
7. or Å angstrom
8. answer
9. area
10. Sports assist
a ane
or A (ā)n. pl. a'due south or A'south also as or Equally
ane. The start letter of the alphabet of the modern English language alphabet.
two. Whatsoever of the oral communication sounds represented by the letter a.
3. The first in a series.
4. Something shaped similar the letter of the alphabet A.
5. A The best or highest in quality or rank: course A milk.
6. Music
a. The sixth tone in the scale of C major or the first tone in the relative modest scale.
b. A key or scale in which A is the tonic.
c. A written or printed notation representing this tone.
d. A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.
vii. A One of the four major blood groups in the ABO system. Individuals with this blood grouping have the A antigen on the surface of their carmine blood cells, and the anti-B antibody in their blood serum.
from A to Z
Completely; thoroughly.
a 2
(ə; ā when stressed)indef.fine art.
ane. Used before nouns and substantive phrases that denote a single but unspecified person or thing: a region; a person.
2. Used earlier terms that denote number, amount, quantity, or degree: only a few of the voters; a flake more rest; a little excited.
a. Used before a proper name to denote a type or a member of a course: the wisdom of a Socrates.
b. Used before a mass noun to indicate a unmarried blazon or example: a dry wine.
4. The same: birds of a plumage.
five. Any: non a driblet to drink.
[Eye English, variant of an, an; run across an 1.]
Usage Note: In writing, the course a is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound, regardless of its spelling (a frog, a academy, a euphemism). The grade an is used before a word start with a vowel audio (an orangish, an hour). · An was once a common variant before words starting time with h in which the first syllable was unstressed; thus 18th-century authors wrote either a historical or an historical but a history, not an history. This usage made sense in that people oft did non pronounce the initial h in words such as historical and heroic, but past the late 19th century educated speakers usually gave their initial h's a huff, and the practice of writing an before such words began to die out. Nowadays it survives primarily before the discussion historical. One may besides come beyond it in the phrases an hysterectomy or an hereditary trait. These usages are acceptable in formal writing.
a three
In every; to each; per: once a month; one dollar a pound.
[Middle English language, from Old English an, in; see on.]
a 4
(ə)aux.v. Breezy
Have: He'd a come if he could.
[Center English, alteration of haven, to have; meet have.]
a 5
1. acceleration
2. are (measurement)
American Heritage® Lexicon of the English Linguistic communication, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(eɪ) orA
n, pl a's, A's or As
one. (Linguistics) the first alphabetic character and first vowel of the modern English alphabet
2. (Phonetics & Phonology) any of several speech sounds represented past this letter, in English as in take, pocketbook, at-home, shortage, or cobra
3. (Teaching) Likewise called: blastoff the first in a series, esp the highest class or mark, as in an examination
four. from A to Z from start to stop, thoroughly and in detail
(ə; stressed or emphatic eɪ)determiner (indefinite article; used earlier an initial consonant )
ane. used preceding a singular countable noun, if the noun is not previously specified or known: a canis familiaris; a terrible disappointment.
ii. used preceding a name to indicate that a person or affair has some of the qualities of the one named: a Romeo; a Shylock.
three. used preceding a noun or determiner of quantity: a cupful; a dozen eggs; a great many; to read a lot.
4. used preceding a noun indicating a concrete or abstract affair capable of existence divided: half a loaf; a quarter of a minute.
five. (preceded by: once, twice, several times, etc ) each or every; per: once a day; fifty pence a pound.
half dozen. a certain; one: to change policy at a stroke; a Mr Jones called.
7. ( preceded by not) any at all: not a promise.
an informal or dialect discussion for accept: they'd a said if they'd known.
(usually linked to the preceding noun) an breezy grade of of: sorta sad; a kinda waste matter.
symbol for
1. (General Physics) acceleration
two. (Units) are(s) (metric mensurate of land)
3. (Units) atto-
symbol for
1. (Classical Music) music
a. a notation having a frequency of 440 hertz (A above middle C) or this value multiplied or divided by whatsoever power of 2; the sixth note of the scale of C major
b. a cardinal, string, or pipe producing this notation
c. the major or minor cardinal having this note every bit its tonic
ii. (Biochemistry) a human claret type of the ABO grouping, containing the A antigen
3. (Automotive Applied science) (in Britain) a major arterial road: the A3 runs from London to Portsmouth.
4. (Flick) (formerly, in Britain)
a. a film certified for viewing past anyone, only which contains material that some parents may not wish their children to see
b. (equally modifier): an A film.
5. (General Physics) mass number
half dozen. (Mathematics) the number 10 in hexadecimal notation
7. (Carte Games) cards ace
8. (Chemistry) chem argon (now superseded by Ar)
9. (Electronics) ampere(s)
10. (Electrical Applied science) Likewise: at ampere-turn
11. (General Physics) accented (temperature)
12. (Electronics) (in excursion diagrams) ammeter
13. (Mathematics) surface area
14. (General Physics) (in combination) atomic: an A-bomb; an A-constitute.
15. (Chemical science) chem analogousness
xvi. (Biochemistry) biochem adenine
17. (Logic) logic a universal affirmative categorical proposition, such as all men are mortal: often symbolized equally SaP. Compare E, I2, Oi
a. a person whose job is in top management, or who holds a senior administrative or professional position
abbreviation for
(Automotive Technology) Austria (international car registration)
[from Latin a(ffirmo) I affirm]
symbol for
(General Physics) angstrom unit
Collins English Lexicon – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
A, a
(eɪ)n., pl. A's As, a'south as.
1. the first alphabetic character of the English alphabet, a vowel.
2. any spoken sound represented by this letter of the alphabet.
3. something shaped like an A.
4. a written or printed representation of the alphabetic character A or a.
Idioms:from A to Z, from beginning to terminate; completely; thoroughly: He knows the Bible from A to Z.
(ə; when stressed eɪ)indefinite commodity.
1. (used earlier a singular noun non referring to any specific fellow member of a course or group or referring to a member not previously mentioned): We need a new car. I spoke to a doctor.
two. whatever; every: A dog has four legs.
3. i: a hundred years; a dozen eggs; a m of material.
4. (used indefinitely with certain quantifiers): a bully many years; a few stars.
v. the aforementioned: two at a time.
6. a single portion, unit, blazon, or instance of: ii coffees and a tea.
vii. a sure; a particular: A Mr. Johnson called.
8. another; one resembling: a Cicero in eloquence.
ix. a work past: a Van Gogh.
10. whatever; a single: not a ane.
[Middle English language; orig. preconsonantal phonetic variant of an1]
usage: In both spoken and written English a is used earlier words beginning with a consonant sound (a book), an before words beginning with a vowel audio (an apple). Words that start with vowel messages only are pronounced with the consonant sound (y) or (w) are preceded by a: a union; a European; a 1-room apartment. The names of the consonant letters f, h, l, one thousand, n, r, s, and x begin with a vowel sound and thus are preceded by an: an F in geometry; to wing an SST. The names of all other consonants and of the vowel u take a: a B in Spanish; a U-turn. Words that begin with the letter h sometimes crusade confusion. When the h is not pronounced, the word is preceded by an: an hour. When h is pronounced, the word is preceded by a: a history of the Sioux; a hero sandwich. (Formerly, an was used earlier pronounced h: an hundred.) Usage is divided, however, with such words as historian, historical, heroic, and habitual, which begin with an unstressed syllable in which h may be weak or silent. The utilise of a is widespread in both speech and writing (a historian of aboriginal Communist china; a habitual criminal), but an is likewise common. Hotel and unique are occasionally preceded by an, but this use is regarded as quondam-fashioned.
(ə; when stressed eɪ)prep.
for or in each; for or in every; per: 10 cents a ride; three times a solar day.
[orig. Middle English language a, preconsonantal variant of on (see a-1); confused with a1]
Pron. Spelling. of (frequently written as part of a single word, without a hyphen): the time a 24-hour interval; kinda; sorta.
[Center English language]
(ə)auxiliary verb.
Pron. Spelling. take (often written as function of a unmarried, unhyphenated word): We shoulda gone.
[Middle English]
Physics Symbol.
1. ampere.
two. angstrom.
3. answer.
1. the first in guild or in a serial.
2. (sometimes l.c.) (in some grading systems) a course or marking indicating excellence or superiority.
a. the sixth tone of the ascending C major scale.
b. the tonality having A equally the tonic.
five. adenine.
6. alanine.
7. (formerly) argon.
viii. mass number.
are (unit of measurement).
atomic (used in combination): A-bomb; A-plant.
,a reduced form of the Old English preposition on, meaning "on," "in," "into," "to," "toward," preserved before a noun or adjective in a prepositional phrase, forming a predicate adjective or an adverbial element (afar; afoot; aloud; ashore; away). By analogy with original nominal collocations, a-1 has been joined to verbs, the resulting germination having the forcefulness of a present participle (ablaze; astride; awash).
[Middle English, tardily One-time English; compare a2, nowadays]
,a reduced form of the Former English preposition of: alike; afresh.
,a verbal prefix with the historical sense "out, up," occurring in verbs and verb derivatives inherited from Old and Middle English, usu. marking the inception or completion of the action denoted past the base of operations verb: bide; accursed; ascend; ashamed; awake.
[Middle English; Old English]
,var. of ab- before b, m, and v: amanuensis; avert.
[Centre English < Latin ā-, a-]
,var. of ad-, used before sc, sp, st (ascend) and in words of French derivation, often with the sense of increment or add-on (amass).
[Centre English, in some words < Middle French a- < Latin ad- prefix or ad preposition (see ad-), as in abut; in others < Latin a- (variant of advertising- advertisement-), as in ascend]
,var. of an-1 earlier a consonant: amoral; atonal; achromatic.
,a plural ending of nouns borrowed from Greek and Latin: phenomena; criteria; data.
,a feminine singular catastrophe of nouns borrowed from Latin and Greek, also used in New Latin coinages to Latinize bases of any origin, and as a Latin substitute for the feminine ending -ē of Greek words: cinchona; pachysandra.
,a suffix occurring in the names of oxides of the chemical chemical element denoted by the stem: alumina; thoria.
1. Absolute.
2. University.
iii. acre.
four. America.
5. American.
6. year.
[< Latin annō, abl. of annus]
vii. before.
[< Latin ante]
eight. April.
1. well-nigh.
two. acre.
3. active.
iv. describing word.
5. alto.
6. ampere.
8. anonymous.
ix. answer.
10. before.
[< Latin ante]
xi. are (unit of measurement).
12. Baseball. assist; assists.
Random House Kernerman Webster'southward Higher Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 past Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. All rights reserved.
– an1. 'a' and 'an'
Yous usually use a and an when it is not clear or important which specific thing or person you are referring to. You only use a and an with singular countable nouns. When you are talking well-nigh a specific person or affair, you unremarkably use the.
She decided to purchase a car.
He parked the motorcar in forepart of the bakery.
You lot tin draw someone or something using a or an with an describing word and a noun, or with a substantive followed by more than data.
His brother was a sensitive child.
The information was contained in an article on biology.
Exist Conscientious!
Don't omit a or an in forepart of a noun when the substantive refers to someone's profession or job. For case, you say 'He is an architect'. Don't say 'He is architect'.
She became a lawyer.
2. 'a' or 'an'?
You lot apply a in front of words offset with consonant sounds and an in forepart of words beginning with vowel sounds.
Then I saw a tall woman continuing by the window.
We live in an old business firm.
You lot use an in front of words beginning with 'h' when the 'h' is not pronounced. For example, you lot say 'an honest man'. Don't say 'a honest man'.
The meeting lasted an hour.
An is used in front of the following words offset with 'h':
heir | heiress | heirloom | honest | honorary |
honour | honourable | hr | hourly |
You apply a in front of words beginning with 'u' when the 'u' is pronounced /juː/ (like 'you lot'). For example, yous say 'a unique occasion'. Don't say 'an unique occasion'.
He was a university professor.
She became a union fellow member.
A is used in forepart of the post-obit words:
ubiquitous | unanimous | unicorn | unification | uniform |
uniformed | uniformity | unifying | unilateral | unilateralist |
union | unique | unisex | unit | united |
universal | universe | academy | uranium | urinal |
urinary | urine | usable | usage | utilise |
used | useful | useless | user | usual |
usually | usurper | utensil | uterus | commonsensical |
utility | utopian |
You utilise an in front of an abbreviation when the messages are pronounced separately and the first letter begins with a vowel sound.
Earlier she became an MP, she was a social worker.
He drives an SUV.
iii. 'a' meaning 'one'
A and an are used to mean 'one' in front of some numbers and units of measurement.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: aed
Gerund: aing
Imperative |
a |
a |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
A member of the highest grouping into which society is divided by occupation, typically a senior managing director, administrator, or professional person.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Data Limited
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
Noun | i. | A - a metric unit of length equal to ane ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiations angstrom, angstrom unit metric linear unit of measurement - a linear unit of distance in metric terms micromicron, picometer, picometre - a metric unit of length equal to i trillionth of a meter micromillimeter, micromillimetre, millimicron, nanometer, nanometre, nm - a metric unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter |
2. | ![]() antiophthalmic factor, axerophthol, vitamin A fatty-soluble vitamin - any vitamin that is soluble in fats retinol, vitamin A1 - an unsaturated alcohol that occurs in marine fish-liver oils and is synthesized biologically from carotene dehydroretinol, vitamin A2 - a viscous alcohol that is less agile in mammals than is vitamin A1 | |
three. | ![]() deoxyadenosine monophosphate nucleotide, base - a phosphoric ester of a nucleoside; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) | |
4. | ![]() adenine biochemistry - the organic chemistry of compounds and processes occurring in organisms; the effort to understand biology within the context of chemistry purine - any of several bases that are derivatives of purine dna, desoxyribonucleic acid, DNA - (biochemistry) a long linear polymer found in the nucleus of a jail cell and formed from nucleotides and shaped like a double helix; associated with the transmission of genetic information; "Dna is the male monarch of molecules" ribonucleic acrid, RNA - (biochemistry) a long linear polymer of nucleotides found in the nucleus but mainly in the cytoplasm of a prison cell where it is associated with microsomes; it transmits genetic information from DNA to the cytoplasm and controls sure chemical processes in the jail cell; "ribonucleic acid is the genetic textile of some viruses" | |
five. | ![]() amp, ampere current unit - a measure out of the corporeality of electrical accuse flowing past a circuit betoken at a specific time milliampere, mA - one thousandth of an ampere abamp, abampere - a unit of electric current equal to 10 amperes | |
vi. | ![]() Latin alphabet, Roman alphabet - the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europe alphabetic character, letter of the alphabet of the alphabet, alphabetic character - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to correspond speech communication; "his grandmother taught him his letters" | |
vii. | ![]() group A, type A blood group, blood type - human claret cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens |
Based on WordNet iii.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
a ane [eɪ]
B. CPD A level N ABBR (Brit) (Scol) =Advanced level → bachillerato grand
to take 3 A levels → presentarse como candidato en tres asignaturas de A level
she has an A level in chemistry → tiene un título de A level en química
A road N (Brit) → carretera f nacional
"A" shares NPL → acciones fpl de clase A
A side N [of record] → cara f A
A to Z® N (= map book) → callejero m
Al terminar la educación secundaria obligatoria, los estudiantes de Inglaterra, Gales e Irlanda del Norte pueden estudiar otros dos años para preparar dos o tres asignaturas más y examinarse de ellas a los 18 años. Estos exámenes se conocen con el nombre de A levels o Advanced levels. Cada universidad determina el número de A levels y la calificación necesaria para acceder a ella.
En Escocia los exámenes equivalentes son los Highers o College Grades, que se hacen de unas cinco asignaturas tras united nations año de estudios. Después se puede optar entre entrar en la universidad directamente o estudiar otro año más, bien para hacer el mismo examen de otras asignaturas, o para sacar los CSYS, abreviatura de Certificate of Sixth Year Studies.
2 [eɪ ə] INDEF ART (an (before vowel or silent h)) [æn ən northward]
1. → un(a) m/f ; (+ fem substantive starting with stressed a or ha ) → un
a book → un libro
an apple tree → una manzana
a soul → un alma
an eagle → united nations águila
an axe → un hacha
3. (= a certain) → united nations(a) tal
a Mr Smith called to see you → vino a verte un tal señor Smith
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged eighth Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
a [eɪ] (STRONG) [ə]
(= letter) → A, a m
A for Alfa, A for Able (United states of america) → A comme Anatole
to get from A to B → aller d'un endroit à un autre
(= marking) (for essay, exam) → A, très bien dans le système éducatif britannique, note maximale pouvant être attribuée à un travail et qui équivaut dans le système français à une notation comprise entre 16/20 et 20/twenty
(= musical note) A → la thousand A road, A shares
[eɪ] (STRONG) [ə] an [ˈɑːn] (before vowel or mute h) indef art
(instead of the number "ane") → united nations(e)
a year ago → il y a un an
a hundred pounds → cent livres
a chiliad pounds → mille livres
Collins English/French Electronic Resources. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
, a
n → A nt, → a nt; (Sch: every bit a marking) → Eins f, → sehr gut; (Mus) → A nt, → a nt; from A to Z → von A bis Z; to get from A to B → von A nach B kommen; A sharp (Mus) → Ais nt, → ais nt; A flat (Mus) → As nt, → as nt ? major
(dated Brit Motion picture) von der Filmkontrolle als nicht ganz jugendfrei gekennzeichneter Film A certificate Filmkennzeichnung, die Eltern vor dem nicht ganz jugendfreien Inhalt eines Films warnt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged seventh Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
a [eɪ] northward
a. (letter) → A, a f or m inv
A for Andrew (Am) A for Able → A come Ancona
to know sth from A to Z → sapere or conoscere qc dall'a alla zeta
to get from A to B → spostarsi da un punto all'altro
b. A9 (Brit) (road) → SS 9 =strada statale
c. (Mus) → la grand inv
d. (Scol) (mark) → ten, ottimo
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ei) nounone of the notes in the musical scale. A إشارَة عَلى السُّلَّم الموسيقي ла Lá nota A das A, musik. Note A μία από τις νότες της μουσικής κλίμακας la noot la C نت ششم در گام لاماژور A הַתָּו לָה श्रुति और उसके साथ का सरगम A a (hang) null A la イ調 가음(音), 가조(調) la la non muzik a dźwięk A یوه نښه د ساز په نوټونو كښي ля tón (nota) A A A, a โน้ต"ลา" ในทางดนตรี La notası 音階的音符之一 ля موسیقی کا ایک سُر nốt la 音阶的音符之一
A apartment (ˌei ˈflat) noun(music) a note that is a semitone lower than A. A-mol بِنِصْفِ نَغَمَهٍ A إشارَةٌ أقَلُ مِن ла бемол Lá bemol as (hud.) das tiefe A, musik. Note as έκτη νότα στην κλίμακα του ντο σε ύφεση (μουσ.) la bemol la-bemoll اِ زیر every bit לָה בְּמוֹל आदर्श यूरोपीय संगीत में श्रुति और उसके साथ के सरगम से एक लघुतम विराम निम्न as asz (hang) A mol la bemolle 変イ 내림 가 la bemol la bemols A flet as as اِ زیر ля бемоль as A sa snizilicom ass โน้ตที่เสียงต่ำกว่า "ลา" ครึ่งเสียง La bemol (音樂) A降半音 ля-бемоль سے ہلکا موسیقی کا ایک سُر A la giáng (音乐)低于A音的半音
A abrupt (ˌei ˈʃaːp) noun(music) a annotation that is a semitone higher than A. A-kruis بِنِصْفِ نَغَمَهٍ A إشارَةٌ أعلى مِن ла диез Lá sustenido ais (hud.) das hohe A, musik. Note ais έκτη νότα στην κλίμακα του ντο σε δίεση (μουσ.) la sostenido la-diees اِ نیم پرده زیرتر ais לָה דִיאֶז आदर्श यूरोपीय संगीत में श्रुति और उसके साथ के सरगम से एक लघुतम विराम उच्च ais aisz (hang) A kres (#) la diesis 嬰イ 올림 가 la diez la diēzs A syap aïs ais اِ آ ته ورته ژغ ля диез ais A sa povisilicom aiss โน้ตที่เสียงสูงกว่า "ลา" ครึ่งเสียง La diyez (音樂) A升半音 ля-дієз سے تیز موسیقی کا ایک سُر A la thăng (音乐)高于A音的半音
(ə(northward)) indef. article(a is used before words beginning with a consonant eg a male child , or consonant sound eg a union ; an is used earlier words beginning with a vowel eg an owl , or vowel sound eg an honour .)
1. i. There is a male child in the garden. 'due north واحِد един, една, едно um/a jeden, nějaký ein/e en ένας un, una (umbmäärane artikkel, jääb enamasti tõlkimata) üks, mingi, mingisugune یک yksi united nations, une אחד, אחת एक jedan, jedna, jedno egy satu, seorang óákveðinn greinir, án samsvörunar í ísl.; notað sem fylgiorð á undan no. er táknar hlut af teljanlegu tagi united nations, uno, una 1つの 어떤 하나의 seorang een en, ei, et يو um/a un, o один jeden, nejaký, akýsi en, eden jedan en, ett หนึ่ง bir 一(數量詞) один ایک một 一(个)
2. any; every. An owl can run across in the nighttime. 'north أي всички um/a každý ein/e en; enhver ένας, μια, ένα united nations, una keegi, kõik هر jokainen un, une כל कोई bilo koji, svaki minden, bármely setiap hver, allir united nations, uno, una 全ての (총칭적) ...이라는 것, 모든 bet kuris, kiekvienas jebkurš; katrs setiap een enhver, alle każdy هر um/a -l, ‑a, -le любой, каждый hociktorý, každý vsak neki; svaki en, ett ไหน ๆ; ทุก ๆ herhangi bir, her 任一或每一(數量詞) кожний کوئی cái nào đó 任何一个或每一个
3. for each; per. Nosotros earn $6 an hr. 'due north لِكُل на всеки a+o/a za; po pro for hver; i; per ανά por; al, a la iga هر؛ هریک joka par; de בְּ-, לְ- प्रत्येक na svaki, svakog óránként per, setiap á, fyrir per, a ~につき ...당, ...마다, ...에 už, per par satu per i, per هر يو a+o/a pe в; за za; po na po i, per แต่ละ; ต่อ ...-de/da 每一 за فی کس mỗi 每个
a earlier hotel, ~historian.
an before heir, ~honest, ~honour, ~hour.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ اداة نكرة في الانجليزية ولا يعادلها شئ في العربية nějaký en/et ein ένας united nations un jedan un, uno 一つの 어떤 하나의 een en rodzajnik nieokreślony, nie tłumaczy się na język polski um en หนึ่ง bir một 一个Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
- I'chiliad in a hurry → أَنا مُسْتَعْجِلٌ → Pospíchám → Jeg har travlt → Ich bin in Eile → Βιάζομαι → Tengo mucha prisa → Minulla on kiire → Je suis pressé → Žuri mi se → Ho fretta → 私は急いでいます → 좀 급해요 → Ik heb haast → Jeg har det travelt → Spieszę się → Eu estou com pressa → Я спешу → Jag har bråttom → ฉันกำลังรีบ → Acelem var → Tôi đang vội → 我很着急
- Just a moment, please → لَـحْظَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ مِنْ فَضْلِك → Malý moment, prosím → Et øjeblik → Einen Moment, bitte → Μια στιγμή, παρακαλώ → Un momento, por favor → Hetkinen vain → United nations instant, s'il vous plaît → Samo jedan trenutak, molim → Solo un momento, per favore → 少々お待ちください → 잠시만 기다리세요 → Een moment alstublieft → Et øyeblikk → Proszę chwileczkę poczekać → Só um momento, por favor → Одну минуту, пожалуйста → Ett ögonblick, tack → กรุณารอสักครู่ → Bir dakika lütfen → Xin chờ một chút → 请稍等
- I'm on a diet → أَتْبَعُ نِظاماً غَذَائِياً خاصّاً → Držím dietu → Jeg er på slankekur → Ich mache Diät → Κάνω δίαιτα → Estoy a régimen → Olen laihdutuskuurilla → Je suis au régime → Na dijeti sam → Sono a dieta → 私はダイエットしています → 다이어트 중이에요 → Ik ben op dieet → Jeg er på diett → Jestem na diecie → European union estou em dieta → Я на диете → Jag bantar → ฉันกำลังลดน้ำหนัก → Rejimdeyim → Tôi đang ăn kiêng → 我在节食
- A month from now (United states of america)
In a calendar month's time (UK) → فِي غُضُونِ شَهْرٍ → za měsíc → om en måned → In einem Monat → σε ένα μήνα → dentro de un mes → Kuukauden kuluttua → dans un mois → za mjesec dana → Tra un mese → 一か月後に → 한 달 안에 → over een maand → om en måneds tid → Za miesiąc → em um mês → Через месяц → om en månad → ภายในเวลาหนึ่งเดือน → bir ay içinde → Một tháng nữa → 一个月内 - A week from today (Us)
In a week's time (UK) → فِي غُضُونِ أُسْبُوعٍ → za týden → om en uge → In einer Woche → σε μια εβδομάδα → dentro de una semana → Viikon kuluttua → dans une semaine → za tjedan dana → Tra una settimana → 一週間後に → 일주일 안에 → over een week → om en ukes tid → Za tydzień → em uma semana → Через неделю → om en vecka → ภายในเวลาหนึ่งอาทิตย์ → bir hafta içinde → Một tuần nữa → 一星期内
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/%C3%82
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